School entry screening
In this guest blog, Karon McCarthy sets out the position of the British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS) on the resumption of child vision screening services following the impact of COVID-19.
Most parents don't realise if their child has a vision problem when they start school. In this blog article, Beverley Robertson explains how pleased she is that her daughter, Elsie, had screening.
We’re delighted to announce the launch of a new e-learning training package for vision screeners.
A reminder about GDPR implications for child vision screening and clarification that schools do not need the permission of parents before they can share children’s data with the providers of school health services.
It's hard to believe that it was almost a year ago when we published the suite of resources to support the commissioning and delivery of high quality vision screening for 4 to 5 year olds in England.
Today we’ve published – after several years of hard work by many talented people – a large set of resources that can help providers ensure high quality local screening services.
I’m delighted to report that following the sterling work of our child vision group, we are now consulting on all the draft resources they have produced.
Children have all sorts of eye problems (just like adults) from viral conjunctivitis through to mild or moderate sight problems and, very rarely, blindness. Most children with eye problems are picked up by their parents or teachers.
...make child vision screening fit for purpose for the coming decades and ensure more children like Cameron get the help they need to achieve their educational and social potential. PHE...