New guidance on improving access to NHS screening programmes for people with learning disabilities

New national guidance for health professionals to support people with learning disabilities to understand and access the NHS screening programmes.
New national guidance for health professionals to support people with learning disabilities to understand and access the NHS screening programmes.
Our round-up of the Public Health England (PHE) screening blog posts published in May 2021.
Suzette Woodward, an international expert on patient safety advising PHE on its review of the screening incident guidance, sets out her thoughts on how learning from safety incidents could be strengthened.
An update on the work of the UK National Screening Committee to review the way it considers ethical issues.
New national guidance published for carers to help reduce screening inequalities.
New screening inequalities ‘home page’ on GOV.UK will make it easier for users to find all the national guidance and resources aimed at tackling screening inequalities.
New national guidance published on improving access to screening for people in secure settings.
PHE's plans for reviewing and improving the approach to incidents in the NHS screening programmes and preparing for the new NHS patient safety incident response framework.
Watch and share powerful video clips of service users with learning disabilities talking about their experiences of screening.
New simple A4 printable PDF versions of 6 of the most commonly used ANNB screening publications.