Breast screening after radiotherapy (BARD) new dataset

Find out more about ongoing work to ensure a group of women who are at higher risk of breast cancer don't miss out on follow-up screening.
Find out more about ongoing work to ensure a group of women who are at higher risk of breast cancer don't miss out on follow-up screening.
The next release of the National Breast Screening System is introducing a new ‘reason for recall’ field, allowing mammogram image readers to report the reason for images being recalled.
It is very important that breast screening providers use the new national self-referral letter template for women aged 71 and over who self-refer for screening.
Breast screening units we need you. Please take part in the latest Sloane audit.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) measure how the NHS screening programmes are performing and aim to give a high level overview of programme quality. This blog article updates you on the latest KPI data publications. Quarter 2 and 3 KPI data …
Tackling screening inequalities and sharing best practice is a priority for PHE Screening. In this article, a health programme manager explains how the charity she works for is tackling screening inequalities in BAME communities.
Funding is available to support the training of 150 additional reporting radiographers in England during the 2019 to 2020 financial year – an initiative that includes the breast screening workforce.
Find out how the North Midlands Breast Screening Service has used Facebook to help reverse a 10-year decline in screening uptake.
This is the second in a series of blogs looking at work in Merseyside to tackle cancer screening inequalities. This article looks at breast and cervical screening initiatives.
...actually find something. I was convinced it was a mistake. I was so sure that I went along by myself and didn’t even tell my husband I was going (no...