Jonothan honoured at AAA screening networking event
More than 100 abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening professionals attended this year’s national AAA screening networking event.
More than 100 abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening professionals attended this year’s national AAA screening networking event.
NHS England has published the 2017-18 service specifications for all 11 NHS Screening Programmes. The specifications accompany the 2017-18 agreement that outlines how NHS England commissions certain public health services under section 7A of the National Health Service Act 2006.
Today we’ve published our latest easy read information leaflet to help ensure screening is accessible to individuals with learning disabilities and low literacy levels.
Personal informed choice is one of the most important principles in screening. People can decide whether or not to have screening based on the information we provide and their own attitudes and values.
We aim to make screening accessible and inclusive for all eligible populations. For people who are trans (transgender) or non-binary (any gender that is not exclusively male or female), inequalities may exist because...
The national and regional Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) works with screening providers to make sure quality standards are met and to support the management of incidents in a timely manner.
Last year, PHE Screening launched the level 3 Diploma for Health Screeners for non-professionally regulated staff working in the diabetic eye and abdominal aortic aneurysm screening programmes.
We’ve updated our guidance for submitting key performance indicators (KPIs), quarterly and annual pathway standards data for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening and diabetic eye screening (DES) providers.
Well over 100 people involved in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening throughout the UK took part in a national research day in Leicester.