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Sheila Miller

Sheila is a team member of the Screening Quality Assurance Service based in the North of England. Sheila works as a clinical advisor for the NHS antenatal and newborn screening programmes.
The aim of quality assurance is to maintain minimum standards and promote continuous improvement in antenatal and newborn screening. This is to ensure that all eligible people have access to a consistent high quality service wherever they live.

Screening resource cards move online

A screen grab of the new online version of PHE's resource cards. The words at the top say 'antenatal and newborn screening resource.' There is a timeline of the various screening tests and when they should be carried out. In smaller text near the bottom it says 'Click image to watch animated version' and 'click to start' inside a blue button.

We have a published a new online version of our resource cards, giving information about screening offered in pregnancy and to babies.

Reviewing our screening resource cards for midwives

The pocket sized resource cards on a table.

Information about replacing our credit card sized collection of plastic resource cards which support midwives in their conversations about screening with women and their families, to facilitate informed choices.

Away day highlights importance of working together when managing screening incidents

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...share ideas. This is only possible with good communication, which subsequently drives up and maintains quality improvements. It’s important to share and acknowledge the good work that is already taking...

Can't get an accurate nuchal translucency measurement? Don't let women miss out

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme, Screening Quality Assurance Service

The screening quality assurance service (SQAS) is responsible for assuring the quality of all NHS screening programmes. An important aspect of this role is to ensuring that learning from screening incidents is shared among all local screening providers.