Hepatitis B quality improvement project update

A useful update about the the hepatitis B quality improvement project for those of you working in the NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) Programme.
Sharon is national programme manager for the NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) Programme. She started her career in the West Midlands as a nurse and midwife. She moved into public health as a lead on clinical governance in the primary care groups. In 2001 she became regional lead for antenatal and child health screening programmes for the West Midlands Strategic Health Authority. She developed professional networks and groups for professionals responsible for antenatal and newborn screening from all sectors: maternity; laboratories; specialist services; public health and commissioning. She co-led the national mapping exercise for IDPS in 2010, leading to the development of national standards in 2011. In April 2013 she was appointed national programme manager.
A useful update about the the hepatitis B quality improvement project for those of you working in the NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) Programme.
Today is World Sexual Health Day. Public Health England (PHE) supports sexual health commissioning, runs sexual health campaigns and promotes condom use and increased testing. New PHE data revealed there were around 448,000 cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) diagnosed …
Standards for the NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening Programme have been updated.
We’ve updated our antenatal and newborn screening information for public and professionals following a change to the vaccination schedule for babies.
Our 3 antenatal screening programmes have joined forces with the national Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) team to hold 8 regional workshops during 2017.
The IDPS programme commissions the team at the Population, Policy and Practice Programme at the University College London (UCL) Institute of Child Health to collect screening outcome data on HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B.
Today is World Hepatitis Day, so it's the perfect time to highlight the work of the NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) Programme's national hepatitis B in pregnancy audit. We commission the audit from the population, policy and practice programme at …
We are pleased to announce the publication of two NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) Programme handbooks.
Another year has rolled by and it’s time for the infectious diseases in pregnancy screening (IDPS) team to get on the road and engage with you all again.
...all NHS screening programmes – replacing our previously published newsletters. You can register to receive updates direct to your inbox, so there’s no need to keep checking for new blogs....
Public Health England (PHE) existed to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. It closed on 30 September 2021 and this blog is no longer updated.
Find out more about the implications for health screening in our Changes ahead for the national screening system blog article.
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