We have been working hard with our IT supplier, Northgate Public Services, to develop the new IT system for the NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) Programme.
The new system, called SMaRT4NIPE (S4N), is easier to use and support than its predecessor, NIPE SMART, with a more modern, fresh appearance and improved functionality.
More than 300 people have participated in online training in preparation for the new system. They are now cascading their learning to colleagues in NHS trusts throughout England.
Train the trainer sessions
A total of 40 online train the trainer sessions were delivered over a 5-week period. Participants embraced the training and were enthusiastic about the new IT platform.
After each session, participants were sent a resource pack containing:
- quick reference guide
- system differences guide
- cascade training guide
- a link to access a training site
These resources are available on the training system where training videos can also be accessed.
Next steps
S4N is due to go live on Monday 1 April and will receive records for all babies born after 00:00 hours on that day.
In preparation for this, trust leads have been sent information outlining the checks they need to perform. Each trust lead needs to confirm the new system has been configured to reflect the existing set-up on NIPE SMART.
We would like to thank all participating trusts for their support with this major change. Once established we hope you will all see the benefits of S4N.
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