The North West Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS), screening and immunisation teams (SITs) and NHS England public health commissioning teams came together to share information and ideas at an away day in Preston.
SQAS collaborated with the SITs in arranging the event, finalising the agenda and presenting the sessions. I was happy to help with the organising to bring teams from across the region together in one place.
The venue was packed with enthusiastic colleagues on the day.

Senior screening and immunisation manager Gill Marsh and regional head of QA Billie Moores started the event by providing a joint update on the last 12 months and thanking the teams for their hard work.
Screening data and information manager Lizzie Tempest gave a presentation on the use of key performance indicators in screening programmes, including a discussion around the memorandum of understanding between PHE and NHS England.
Linda Syson-Nibbs, public health consultant and head of QA, Midlands and East, joined us in her capacity as national health inequalities lead. She provided a summary on health inequalities and led a discussion on our shared roles and responsibilities within screening in line with the PHE Screening inequalities strategy.
Colleagues shared learning and innovations taking place across the North West aimed at improving screening uptake and communications.
There were group work sessions to discuss:
- possible solutions to current challenges faced by screening programmes
- improving working processes between SQAS and the SITs
After lunch, health and wellbeing was promoted with the option of a tai chi session led by QA audit officer Mike Wall or a walk around the local area, led by SQAS and SIT staff.
The event evaluated well and colleagues enjoyed being able to network with people they often encounter via email but infrequently face to face.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the day, particularly the speakers. We look forward to the next joint north away day.
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