Public Health England's national breast screening programme manager Jacquie Jenkins has welcomed 3 new members of staff to work with her on a wide range of projects.
By way of introduction, we asked Lynn Wragg, Emma O’Sullivan and Jacqui Cookson to tell us a bit about their new roles and themselves. This is what they had to say.
Emma O’Sullivan (breast screening programme development lead)
Emma’s role will be to provide senior support to the programme manager - reviewing guidance, pushing forward with developments within the programme and working with clinical professional groups.
What do you most enjoy doing in your spare time?
I love going on holiday, enjoying warm weather and relaxing in the sunshine. My parents and sister live in Spain, so I take the opportunity to visit them frequently throughout the year. I enjoy catching up with friends, reading, meals out and spending time with my family (husband and 2 children).
Pick 3 words to describe your personality
Bravely, I let my husband choose these…. caring, organised and optimistic.
Do you have any pets?
I have 2 cats who are both hunters unfortunately and like to bring us ‘presents’.
Which sports do you like?
My eldest daughter and I go to a weekly dance fitness class and sing our hearts out to the music.
List your favourite musicians/bands
I don’t really have a favourite musicians – I’m into chart music and Motown. My first concert was Jason Donovan.
Ever gone camping?
As a family, we try to go camping most years often as part of a group with other friends and their children. Despite years of practice, we never seem to get any better at putting the tent up.
List the subjects you have studied
For my degree I studied public policy management and social studies at Aston University.
Jacqui Cookson (breast screening programme guidance lead)
Jacqui's role will be to review, update and write best practice guidance for the programme. She will be looking for volunteers and interested parties to work with her on several administration and clerical guidance projects.
What do you most enjoy doing in your spare time?
I love to sail and have completed the annual Round the Island Race (a one-day yacht race around the Isle of Wight) 3 times. I also love to ski and have worked 3 ski seasons.
I love spending time with family. My eldest son is in the army in the royal logistics corp as a bomb disposal expert (every mother’s dream job!) My middle son is a tree surgeon and has a 7-month-old baby boy named Alfred that we all adore. My daughter is doing her masters in IT at Bournemouth University and is their freestyle co-ordinator for Snowriders.
Pick 3 words to describe your personality
Creative, open and friendly.
Do you have any pets?
I have 2 cats - a mother and her daughter. Her first litter only had one kitten so my children had to keep her.
List your favourite musicians/bands
I have an eclectic taste in music ranging from Queen to Spanish guitar, all reflective of the mood I am in.
Ever gone camping?
I am an outdoors person, as are my children. We spent school holidays at our local dinghy sailing club, spending our time between being wet on the water or wet in the camping field (it is England!)
List the subjects you have studied
I recently studied a public health screening masters module at the University of Warwick.
Lynn Wragg (senior administrator and project support officer)
Lynn will be providing high level administrative and project support to the breast screening team.
What do you most enjoy doing in your spare time?
All my family love walking in the Peak District. I particularly love travelling in the UK and abroad, going to the theatre, reading and meeting up with family and friends.
Pick 3 words to describe your personality
Friendly, optimistic and organised. I have been referred to on many occasions as a typical Virgo.
Do you have any pets?
No – I developed an allergy to cats and dogs some years ago.
Which sports do you like?
I love watching football, tennis and athletics. I used to enjoyed playing netball, although I no longer do so.
List your five favourite musicians/bands.
Adele, Queen, UB40, the Killers and George Michael.
Ever gone camping?
Yes - I found it fun, but I prefer more comfort as I get older.
List the subjects you have studied
I studied for my secretarial qualification (including learning Pitman shorthand) but never had the opportunity to go on to further education or university. I have always wanted to study psychology and promised myself I would do an Open University course - something for my retirement.
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Comment by Phil Bullock posted on
Hi there
Can I suggest that when you do this - and it is a good thing to do - you put some info in about their professional backgrounds. Will help professional staff delivering the service relate to PHE staff
Many thanks
Comment by Andrew Anderson posted on
Hi Phil
Thanks for your comment. We will certainly bear this in mind when writing similar blogs in future.
Best wishes
Information and Education for Public and Professionals (IEPP) team, PHE Screening