NHS antenatal and newborn screening digital information: next steps

Directing people to digital information about NHS antenatal and newborn screening programmes should now be business as usual.
Directing people to digital information about NHS antenatal and newborn screening programmes should now be business as usual.
Screening tests for you and your baby: babies in special care units publication updated in accessible digital format.
Antenatal and newborn screening providers should now be signposting parents routinely to digital versions of information leaflets rather than automatically handing out printed leaflets.
Health professionals can now submit data on maternal screen positive syphilis cases to the Integrated Screening Outcomes Surveillance Service (ISOSS).
We’ve published new guidance for screening professionals to support women with learning disabilities and their partners to access and understand antenatal and newborn (ANNB) screening.
PHE Screening has now published the third set of quarterly key performance indicator (KPI) data for the 2019 to 2020 year.
The Screening tests for you and your baby easy guides have been improved and updated thanks to fantastic partnership work with The Elfrida Society, a London-based learning disability charity.
With coronavirus limiting social contact, we have been helping maternity providers to signpost women to digital versions of our NHS antenatal and newborn screening information.
Pregnant trans men can face some unique challenges when accessing healthcare.
The first joint antenatal screening data report is out