The NHS sickle cell and thalassaemia (SCT) screening programme is excited to offer free programme update study days.
In collaboration with King’s College London, the screening programme has organised 2 study days, in September and October 2019. Both study days are in Manchester city centre and are funded by the programme.
SCT screening programme update study day
The SCT screening programme update study day is on Wednesday 25 September 2019. It is aimed at non-specialist nurses, midwives and health visitors so they can:
- develop an understanding of the antenatal and newborn SCT screening programme in England
- gain a basic knowledge of SCT and how these conditions are inherited
- learn how to interpret screening results
- understand the structures which support and maintain the quality of the programme
SCT specialist counsellors update study day
The study day for specialist counsellors is on Thursday 24 October 2019. It is aimed at practitioners who have previously undertaken PEGASUS, the specialist course that used to be run for health professionals providing counselling to at-risk couples, or an alternative SCT screening programme related module.
Applicants must be responsible for counselling women and couples at risk of having an affected baby as part of the SCT screening programme. This includes the offer of prenatal diagnosis and/or giving results to parent(s) who have given birth to an affected child.
How to register
The haemoglobinopathies SCT screening programme update is 10am to 5pm on 25 September.
The SCT specialist counsellors update is 10am to 5pm on 24 October.
All successful applicants will be required to get agreement from their line managers and any additional costs, such as travel and subsistence, will need to be agreed locally.
If you have any queries, please get in touch with the PHE Screening helpdesk.
PHE Screening blogs
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