Have a quick look to check if you missed any of the 12 screening blogs we published in September 2018.
Please share any you enjoyed with your colleagues and if you haven't done so already, you can register to get alerts when new blogs are out by signing up here.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening
How we’ve embraced the new health screener diploma
Dorset and Wiltshire abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme manager Debbie Munro has enjoyed assessing learners who have successfully completed the level 3 health screener diploma.
Reaccreditation of AAA screeners: new dates out now
The University of Salford has published 16 dates for reaccreditation sessions for AAA screening technicians from October 2018 to February 2020.
Antenatal and newborn screening
Easy guides for pregnant women with learning disabilities well received
The Screening tests for you and your baby: easy guides have been well received by health professionals and the public, an evaluation project has found.
Bowel cancer screening
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my first few months as national bowel cancer screening programme manager
Karen Emery-Downing reflects on her first few months as national programme manager of the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
Cervical screening
Cervical screening consolidated standards out
We have just published our new consolidated screening standards for the NHS Cervical Screening Programme.
Diabetic eye screening
New easy guide aims to improve access to diabetic eye screening
PHE Screening has published an updated version of our easy guide to diabetic eye screening to help make screening more accessible to people who have a learning disability or who struggle with written English.
Fetal anomaly screening
National fetal anomaly screening guidance updated
PHE screening has updated NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP) guidance handbooks to help ensure local screening services meet national standards.
NIPT implementation: how professionals felt about our face-to-face training and development events
More than 400 delegates attended 8 training events across England ahead of an evaluative rollout of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to the fetal anomaly screening pathway.
General information

GP and social scientist needed to join UK National Screening Committee
Are you a GP or social scientist who would like to join the UK's expert screening committee? Find out more in our blog.
Sign up now for one of our screening masterclasses
Book your place now on a screening masterclasses this autumn.
Newborn blood spot screening
Explaining repeat newborn blood spot tests to parents
We've just updated guidance about repeat tests for the newborn blood spot programme.
School entry screening
National eye health week - a year since our child vision screening resources were published
It's hard to believe that it was almost a year ago when we published the suite of resources to support the commissioning and delivery of high quality vision screening for 4 to 5 year olds in England.
PHE Screening blogs
PHE Screening BLOGs provide up to date news from all NHS screening programmes.
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