I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about where to find all the different information about the NHS Screening Programmes available online.
If you haven’t read it, I’d highly recommend you have a look and add it to your favourites. And that’s not just because I want it to be the most viewed post on the PHE Screening blog!
I mentioned that the continuing professional development (CPD) website would be closing soon and the first step would be to move anything relevant on to GOV.UK. I’m happy to say that we’ve now completed this task.
GOV.UK: where to find resources
We’ve restructured the information to fit with the rest of the guidance on GOV.UK. So the easiest way to find the resources you need is to select the screening programme from the browser page.
Each screening programme (except the newborn hearing screening programme) now has a new section titled ‘Education and training’. This links to training and professional development information for that screening programme.

Cross-programme resources
There is also a cross programme page where you can find many of our popular resources, such as:
- the animated antenatal and newborn screening timeline
- the NICU and PICU resource
Here’s a little tip for you. Don’t use Internet Explorer for browsing this education and training content. Most downloads on these pages are on Google Drive and older versions of Internet Explorer just don’t like it.
I’ve had words* with our friends at Microsoft and Google, but alas, no luck.
*(I haven’t actually had words)

Newborn Hearing Screening Programme (NHSP)
We’ve organised education and training information for NHSP slightly differently. You can find it in Chapter 2 of the NHSP operational guidance document.
Since we already had an existing education and training section, we decided it was best to just tweak it a little.
All NHSP education and training resources are now linked to Chapter 2 or included as appendices on the NHSP operational guidance page.
Contacts database
The contacts database hasn’t moved – you can still access it through the CPD website.

Level 3 diploma for health screeners
The CPD screening website served as a “one-stop shop for our cross-cutting CPD agenda”. What that meant was that all our education and training content was on there.
The Level 3 Health Screener Diploma had its own section on the website and it is much the same on GOV.UK. We’ve cut the content down a bit and made it easier to read.
Read the two guides for people interested in the level 3 health screener diploma.
1. NHS population screening: diploma for health screeners.
2. Health screener diploma: guidance for assessors.
What next?
The CPD website is still running for the time being, but we will be closing it in the new year. If you need to access something that we haven’t brought across to GOV.UK you’ll always be able to look at an archived version of the CPD website from October 2017.

PHE Screening blog
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