We have published new and improved key performance indicator (KPI) data packs. We use the KPIs to measure how the NHS screening programmes are performing and they aim to give a high level overview of programme quality.
KPI submission templates
Providers submit KPI data for the antenatal, newborn blood spot (NBS) and newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) programmes using excel templates that we publish each quarter. We have templates for maternity services and child health information systems.
We publish the templates one month before the submission window opens, which is 2 months before the final submission deadline. In August, we blogged about changes to the templates for the 2017 to 2018 screening year.
Q1 2017 to 2018 data
This month, we published the KPI data for the first quarter of 2017 to 2018 (1 April to 30 June 2017).
For the first time, we have published KPIs across all 11 national screening programmes. KPI publications now consist of 2 excel files – one for the antenatal and newborn KPIs, and one for the young person and adult KPIs – and associated summary factsheets. An example of a summary factsheet is shown below.
Data for a few of the KPIs are collected later than the others, so we will update the publications for each quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4) as the data becomes available.
Summary factsheets

We have replaced our KPI professional briefing report with a new KPI summary factsheets report. The summary factsheets will accompany the KPI data publications and include:
- one page per KPI
- highlights of the data
- national trend information
- the regional quarterly performance
You can use links in the index of the factsheets report to go to each KPI, and there is a link on each factsheet to take you back to the index again.
As always when looking at the KPI data, we suggest you look at the definition of each KPI from our definitions document, so that you are aware of any new thresholds or revised definitions.
Summary of our KPI publications
Every 3 months we will publish:
- the submission templates for the antenatal, NBS and NIPE KPIs, one month before the submission window opens
- quarterly KPI data in 2 files, one for ANNB and one for YPA
- the summary factsheets report
- a blog about the data and summary factsheets report
Please send any queries, suggestions or feedback about the KPIs to the PHE Screening Helpdesk.
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