A total of 111 out of 139 maternity trusts are now using the NIPE SMART IT system.
Implementation of NIPE SMART is central to the rollout of the NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) Programme.

NIPE SMART provides a robust failsafe system and a consistent means of capturing data from the newborn and infant physical examinations that are offered to all newborn babies. It supports healthcare professionals in improving the quality, timeliness and consistency of the examinations and reducing the number of babies diagnosed late with congenital medical conditions.
The national programme team aims to ensure trusts understand how to get the most out of NIPE SMART. Recent and forthcoming developments include:
- an updated quick reference guide for users, which can be accessed in the letters tab on the system
- a new word document in the letters tab with quick access links to useful NIPE information
- the development of a comprehensive NIPE SMART User Guide for managers and users which will be published this autumn
The NIPE national programme team continues to work hard to support trusts with the implementation of NIPE SMART.
Over the coming months the national team can offer trusts support with NIPE SMART issues, including managing the system, failsafe functions, data collection and reporting. This support could include telephone discussions, virtual meetings or on-site visits.
If you want to take up this offer of support for your trust please email PHE.ANNB-Admin@nhs.net with:
- your name and job title
- your contact details, including email address and phone number
- your usual working days (for contact purposes)
- the particular issues you need help with (or just state general update)
- your preferred method of support – telephone discussion / virtual meeting (telephone conference or WebEx) / on-site visit (please specify individual visit or a meeting combined with neighbouring trust(s) )
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