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NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening Programme

Delivering accessible screening information to trusts

25 February 2016: Please note that the new easy read versions of Screening tests for you and your baby, which are featured in this blog post, have been temporarily withdrawn and are not currently available Every maternity trust in England …

Getting ready for the end of rubella screening in pregnancy in England

...updating other resources, including website content, working collaboratively with our information and education team. Workshops are planned in early March, alongside PHE’s Immunisation and National Infections Service teams, to provide...

Which blogs were popular in 2015?

Firstly, a very happy new year to all readers of the PHE Screening blog! The end of December is traditionally a time to reflect on the previous year and I'm sure many of you will have read many such articles …

New screening leaflet for babies in special care units: order now

...babies in special care units. It also includes information on differences in follow-on care for premature babies after infectious diseases in pregnancy screening. You should order enough leaflets to give...