Choices, choices, choices
We offer screening tests to millions of people every year, male and female, at every stage of life. But we only do so if the evidence proves that screening does more good than harm for the population as a whole. …
We offer screening tests to millions of people every year, male and female, at every stage of life. But we only do so if the evidence proves that screening does more good than harm for the population as a whole. …
Sense About Science has released a new edition of the Making Sense of Screening guide which aims to inform the public about screening. Many people are tested in screening programmes but the tests – however good – are never perfect.
Learning by watching not reading Have you noticed people on the train increasingly aren’t reading, they’re watching? In the last few years, there’s been an unstoppable trend toward people not reading to learn but wanting to watch to learn.
Sharing public health expertise When we became part of PHE back in April 2013, it was the first time that the national cancer and non-cancer screening programmes had been part of the same organisation.
After lots of hard work, screening information for healthcare professionals has now moved to GOV.UK.