Updated NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme guidance published

Read about changes to the PHE bowel cancer screening guidance on colonoscopy, pathology and radiology.
Karen qualified as a registered nurse in 1995 and has worked mainly in gastroenterology/endoscopy. In 2005 she gained an MSc in Managing quality in Healthcare and took on a more senior management role within endoscopy. In 2013 she was appointed Programme Manager/Matron for the Bowel cancer screening team in Leicester. In 2016 she was seconded to the national bowel cancer screening team for 2 days per week. She was appointed national programme manager in 2018.
Read about changes to the PHE bowel cancer screening guidance on colonoscopy, pathology and radiology.
We're delighted to say that a British Sign Language (BSL) translation is now available of our latest video explaining what people need to do to collect their bowel screening sample correctly.
PHE Screening has published new information and resources to support people with learning disabilities with bowel cancer screening. There is an updated easy guide to having a colonoscopy, a new easy guide to having a CTC scan and new guidance.
Karen Emery-Downing reflects on her first few months as national programme manager of the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
Nurse endoscopists already undertake as much of 20% of the workload in an endoscopy unit. NHS Improving Quality initiatives have estimated clinical endoscopists could carry out up to 40% of low risk, high volume endoscopic procedures.
Public Health England (PHE) existed to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. It closed on 30 September 2021 and this blog is no longer updated.
Find out more about the implications for health screening in our Changes ahead for the national screening system blog article.
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