Pioneering charity Beyond Words has updated its wordless picture stories about bowel cancer screening, breast screening and cervical screening.
These resources are free to download and print off from the Beyond Words website. They are accessible to everyone, whether or not they can read words.
PHE supported Beyond Words to update the picture stories in line with current national guidance and processes for the 3 NHS cancer screening programmes.

Using these resources can help reduce unfair barriers to screening for people who cannot read or do not like written words. This can include:
- people with learning disabilities and/or autism
- people with cognitive or communication difficulties, such as dementia
- people who have difficulty with reading, including some deaf people
Choice of information resources and formats
Local screening providers have a legal duty to make reasonable adjustments for people with learning disabilities and/or autism so they can access their services. This includes considering how individuals like information to be presented and tailoring it accordingly.
Providers can now direct people, according to their individual needs, to a range of different national information resources including:
- standard screening information
- screening easy guides that combine images and simple, concise text
- the updated Beyond Words wordless picture stories about bowel cancer screening, breast screening and cervical screening
Each Beyond Words picture story is accompanied by a guide on how to use the resource and a possible storyline which a family member, carer or health professional can refer to when talking through the pictures with the reader.
Using the picture stories in this way can help open up conversations, making it possible to check the reader’s understanding, answer any questions they may have, reduce anxiety and support decision-making.
Beyond Words Founder and Chair Baroness Sheila Hollins (pictured above) said:
It is vital that people with learning disabilities and/or autism have the support they need to access our life-saving NHS screening services. These 3 leaflets will empower people to understand what screening involves so that they feel well prepared and are confident enough to participate. Cancer does not discriminate, and we must ensure that nobody is excluded from timely and effective diagnosis and treatment simply because they do not understand what is involved.
PHE Screening blog
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