All screening staff who perform scans in the NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme need to undertake reaccreditation every 2 years in order to continue screening independently.
This reaccreditation process makes sure that screening technicians maintain an understanding of the principles of screening and ultrasound after they have completed their initial training programme.
There are 2 elements to the process: knowledge assessment and scanning assessment. Screening technicians must successfully complete both to continue to be accredited.

Knowledge assessment
For the knowledge assessment, screening technicians should successfully complete 2 e-learning for health modules. They are:
- principles of AAA screening
- treatment and principles of ultrasound for AAA screening
Both modules have a quiz at the end which technicians must score 80% or more in to gain certification of successful completion. Once the knowledge assessment has been completed, technicians should then be registered for the scanning assessment.
Scanning assessment
For the scanning assessment, assessors observe the technicians’ scanning technique on 2 different men. Technicians are expected to perform the scans in line with the AAA screening: clinical guidance and scope of practice.
The University of Salford has provided the scanning element of the reaccreditation process for several years.
Following a procurement process, the University of Salford has been contracted to continue to provide the scanning assessments for reaccreditation. This contract will run until 2020 after which the University of Salford will have the option to extend for another year.
Register now
The University of Salford has now published 16 dates for reaccreditation sessions from October 2018 to February 2020 which screening technicians can register for.
Thank you for your patience and understanding over the past few months in waiting for dates for these sessions. The format of the reaccreditation assessment remains the same and technicians only need to register for one half-day session. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
What to expect at reaccreditation
Susan Clinton, the programme coordinator and clinical skills trainer (CST) for the Lancashire and South Cumbria AAA screening programme, is also an assessor on the scanning assessments for the reaccreditation process.
Susan recently gave the following presentation on what technicians can expect at the reaccreditation session and how CSTs can help to prepare technicians:
National programme manager Lisa Summers or myself are present at most reaccreditation sessions and available for any questions or comments and to provide an update on the programme.
I look forward to seeing you at one of these sessions.
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