The NHS Screening Programmes e-learning modules are moving to e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH).
If you work in screening and use our e-learning there are some important dates you need to know and things you need to do.
20 March: personal portfolio sent to you
If you were registered on the continuing professional development (CPD) screening website, you’ll have received an e-mail with a link to download a certificate. Please don’t ignore it.
This certificate documents your learning history from the past 5 years on the CPD website (see example below). Download and keep it safe as it is your personal record of any e-learning you did up until 17 March 2017.
We sent the certificate to the email address you used to access the CPD modules. If you haven’t received the certificate, make sure you check the e-mail account you registered with.
30 April: e-learning no longer on CPD website
The e-learning system on the CPD Screening website remains open until 30 April so you can continue to use it until then.
You must download and print any certificates you earn from now on as we will not track your progress on any modules after 17 March 2017.
If you’re thinking about starting a new e-learning module, it’s probably better to wait until 3 April. You’ll then be able to access e-learning for the NHS Screening Programmes on the e-LfH website, where your progress will be recorded fully.
3 April: launch on e-LfH
Sign up to the e-LfH website on or after 3 April and you’ll be able to browse through and attempt the full range of screening e-learning and every other module available there.
Find the programme you need by:
- browsing through the screening programmes in the section titled ‘Public Health’
- using the search bar to find your programme

Evidencing your learning on e-LfH
One of the big changes to our e-learning is that there is no longer a certificate for individual units for most screening programmes.
As part of the government’s digital by default strategy, we are encouraging people to keep track of their learning online rather than printing off certificates.
The e-LfH website makes it very simple for you to evidence completion of individual units if you need to. You will still receive a certificate when you complete e-learning modules but through a special process.
The video below explains the simple process for reporting on your e-learning progress. You’ll have the option to:
- view your progress on screen
- download a PDF
- download an excel spreadsheet
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