We have updated our very popular resource cards for midwives to reflect the fact that screening for rubella susceptibility in pregnancy ended on 1 April 2016.
Version 10 of the cards also now includes helpful information regarding immunisation in pregnancy and rash illnesses.
The plastic, pocket-sized bound cards contain helpful facts about all 6 NHS antenatal and newborn screening programmes to support healthcare professionals in discussing screening with women and their families, and to facilitate informed choices.

This spring we will send a number of sets of cards to trusts to distribute to their community and clinic midwives. Trusts can buy additional sets of cards online from national print supplier Harlow Printing Ltd in batches of 50 or by emailing rebeccao@harlowprinting.co.uk or telephoning 0191 496 9735.
In addition, you can download the updated resource cards from the CPD site along with the updated screening timeline.
Midwives are asked to please recycle all previous versions of the resource cards as they are now out of date due to the rubella susceptibility policy change and programme updates.
More information regarding the cessation of screening for rubella susceptibility can be found here.
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