Have your say on the future of the screening quality assurance service

The screening quality assurance service is launching a period of informal consultation on a revised national operating model.
Sue trained as a doctor at Guy's Hospital and worked as a GP after qualifying. Following a spell working in East Africa for Unicef, she retrained as a consultant in public health medicine and worked in Derbyshire Primary Care Trust. She joined the NHS screening programmes in 2010 as QA director for the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme. She was appointed National Lead for the Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) in 2015.
The screening quality assurance service is launching a period of informal consultation on a revised national operating model.
We get lots of questions about how to apply duty of candour regulations in screening programmes.
Public Health England (PHE) existed to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. It closed on 30 September 2021 and this blog is no longer updated.
Find out more about the implications for health screening in our Changes ahead for the national screening system blog article.
If you want to stay in touch with screening evidence and policy news, you can subscribe to the UK National Screening Committee blog.