A new version of SMaRT4NIPE (S4N) will be available on Friday 6 September.
It is now 5 months since the new and improved IT system for the NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) Programme went live.
There are now 129 trusts across England using it and feedback has been very positive. Users have told us they are already benefiting hugely from the new and improved features of the system.
Important updates
The NIPE programme has funded a software update as part of its regular review process and has been working with system suppliers and S4N users on them. The changes have been made in response to:
- minor bugs being found after launch
- NIPE programme team and user requests
- comments from the SMaRT4NIPE user group
Detailed notes of all the changes alongside helpful screen shots will be made available in the resources section.
Main changes to look out for
Changes in the new version include:
- a change to the sequence of the NIPE examinations displayed in the system to reflect the order that the baby is examined
- making national hip risk factors a mandatory field (see screen shot below)
- different text appearing on the national hip risk factors information pop-up
- a notification of sex changes and bug fix (see screen shot below)
- the rest of the physical examination being excluded from the calculation of the overall NIPE status
- changes and fixes to KPI NP1 and NP2 reports
Further information about 2 of these important changes are below.
Mandatory field for national hip risk factors

New messages when the baby’s sex is changed

Getting in touch
Please continue to email any IT change requests to the NIPE helpdesk.
Non IT-related NIPE programme comments should be sent to the PHE Screening helpdesk.
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