Next year, a new company will take over the printing, storage and distribution of all the public information leaflets and other national printed resources for the NHS Screening Programmes.

At the end of 2016, the government appointed a new supplier for fully managed end to end print and digital solutions through a Crown Commercial Service agreement.
This supplier, APS Group, will take over the printing, storage and distribution of PHE Screening materials in 2018 from Harlow Printing Ltd, our current supplier.
We are busy planning for that transition and are determined to make it as smooth and seamless as possible. That’s because our public information leaflets are vital for ensuring people can make an informed choice about screening and hundreds of local NHS and private screening providers up and down the country rely on them.
We expect APS will take over from Harlow on 1 April 2018. This will involve the physical move of any existing printed materials from Harlow to APS as well as the ‘digital move’ of our online ordering services.
Our early meetings with APS staff have been very positive. They will provide the same services we currently receive from Harlow, such as setting up standing orders for regular leaflet deliveries. APS is keen to work with us to identify and create opportunities for further cost savings and enhanced customer service.
Screening clients will continue to be able to order leaflets online or via a dedicated phoneline. APS will, like Harlow, set up a bespoke PHE Screening web page for client orders from local screening providers.
We will keep you regularly updated over the coming months via this blog and direct messages to screening providers. In the meantime, please be assured that the current service provided by Harlow will continue as normal. You can continue to contact them and place orders in the usual way.
If you have any questions about the transition, please email the PHE Screening helpdesk at
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