We’ve updated our guidance for submitting key performance indicators (KPIs), quarterly and annual pathway standards data for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening and diabetic eye screening (DES) providers.
AAA screening aims to reduce AAA-related deaths among men aged 65 and over through the early detection, appropriate monitoring and treatment of aneurysms.
Diabetic eye screening reduces the risk of sight loss among people with diabetes by detecting diabetic retinopathy at an early stage when treatment is effective at reducing or preventing damage.

We use the KPIs to measure how NHS screening programmes are performing. The KPIs aim to give a high level overview of programme quality.
The latest version of our national guidance includes the submission, validation and publication dates for 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.
For AAA screening services, it covers the sign-off process for KPIs, quarterly waiting times reports, quarterly pathway standards reports and annual pathway standards.
For DES screening services, it covers the process for submitting and signing off KPIs, quarterly pathway standards reports and annual pathway standards.
Screening commissioners should be aware of the review and publication dates so they can arrange programme board meetings appropriately.
We recommend that local providers should also read the KPI definitions and the AAA and DES pathway standards definitions.
We have retired AA1 as a KPI because all local providers were consistently reaching the acceptable threshold and the majority were reaching the achievable threshold. This is the completeness of offer KPI that measures the proportion of men eligible for AAA screening to whom an initial offer of screening is made.
We have also revised the definitions of the DES KPIs following the introduction of the new pathway standards that are effective from 1 April 2017.
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