Timely reminder of screening data submission deadlines

Important information for local screening providers on how and when they need to validate and submit key performance indicator (KPI) and screening standards data.
Originally trained as a scientist, Elsie has over 10 years’ NHS experience working in several hospitals across London. She joined PHE in 2016 and is currently a senior quality assurance advisor for the bowel cancer screening programme in the south of England.
Important information for local screening providers on how and when they need to validate and submit key performance indicator (KPI) and screening standards data.
Public Health England (PHE) existed to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. It closed on 30 September 2021 and this blog is no longer updated.
Find out more about the implications for health screening in our Changes ahead for the national screening system blog article.
If you want to stay in touch with screening evidence and policy news, you can subscribe to the UK National Screening Committee blog.